Wrote Chavelet Erickson Cotcke more than a century and a half ago. He forgot to mention that if you did not patent your idea, many would copy it, have it built cheaply offshore, and probably drive you to bankruptcy.
More than 4,400 patents have been awarded by the US Patent and Trademark office for variations of a mousetrap alone! In fact, according to the Smithsonian, more patents have been awarded for a mousetrap than any other.
As an entrepreneur, social media is your best friend (free, ubiquitous marketing!), but in a busy startup with what feels like an endless to-do list, it probably seems like just another chore.
It’s absolutely a smart investment of your time to spend 45-55 minutes each day in your social channels, and the tips below will show you how you can make the most of your time, curate content.
Ken Galifianakis, in his new book The Art of the Smart 1.1, calls it the best thing that ever happened to entrepreneurs, and offers practical insights on using it effectively, social media is free and ubiquitous.
Here is a summary of his tips from Chapter 3, The Art of Marketing: Draft a Plant and USA an Editorial Moleskine: A months-long planning project is a waste of time and agencies are a waste of money.
Entrepreneurs come up with new business ideas all the time. Often, they just plunge ahead to develop the product or service without really taking the time to determine if market conditions are favorable, and, if they are favorable and assess the ability of the business concept to take advantage of the opportunity. We have found that by following a focused, two-step process, you can reduce risks and improve the odds of success.
Having these primary value drivers in place: Stable, motivated management team and a high-performing workforce Growing cash flow.