HMH Vision

Organizational Development

Will your organization benefit from better efficiency and increased productivity? The obvious answer is ā€˜yesā€™. A good way to achieve these, together with a great number of additional benefits, can be achieved by way of committed Organizational Development.

Organizational Development is the practice of planned, systemic change in the beliefs, attitudes and values of employees for both, individual and company growth. The purpose of Organizational Development is to enable an organization to better respond and adapt to economic, industry or market changes but also to technological advances.

The organizations that engage in successful Organizational Development very often go on to exhibit higher levels of organizational swiftness thus enabling them to successfully navigate unfamiliar challenges with speed and minimal disruption.

We help companies achieving successful Organizational Development that affects the bottom line in a variety of ways.

  • raising innovation to increase productivity, efficiency and profits
  • increasing communication to influence employees to bring about desired changes
  • minimizing employee turnover and absenteeism resulting not at least in reduced cost
  • aligning objectives with a focus on employee development to increase employee satisfaction and with it product and service quality
  • shifting the culture to one of continuous improvement to enable the company a distinct advantage in the competitive marketplace.

HMH VISION – we also help companies assess their skills and choose a new direction which utilizes the talents of the team and resources most productively.

Why do many organizational transformations fail?

There is an often quoted statistic that 70% of all organizational transformation and change initiatives fail. Not many are aware of some of the truly eye-opening facts and figures that paint a picture of the true impact of transformational factors, whether at an individual, team or organizational level.

  • Company-wide change efforts are 12.4 times more likely to be successful when senior managers communicate continually. (McKinsey)
  • 92 percent of change practitioners name top management sponsorship as the most important factor for successful change. (IBM)
  • Nearly 60 percent of projects aimed at achieving business change do not fully meet their objectives. (IBM)
  • When senior leaders role model the behaviour changes theyā€™re asking employees to make, transformations are 5.3 times more likely to be successful. (McKinsey)
  • Leaders create the climate for success ā€“ 50-70% of variance in organisational climate can be explained by differences in leadership styles.Ā (Hay Group)
  • Up to 30% of variance in financial results (profits and revenue) can be explained by differences in organisational climate.Ā (Hay Group)
  • 86% of C suite executives and 84% of all managers and employees say culture is critical to their organisationsā€™ success. 60% see it as a bigger success factor than either their strategy or their operating model.Ā (PWC)
  • Less than 10% of leaders have the right capabilities and experiences required to successfully lead transformations. (PWC)
  • Frontline employees taking the initiative to drive change elevates the success of transformations to a whopping 71%. (McKinsey)
  • 31% of CEOs are fired for not managing organisational change well enough.Ā (Forbes)
  • 25% of change management initiatives are successful over the long termĀ (Towers Watson)

How HMH VISION can help

HMH VISION supports you in setting up sustainable corporate structures that combine an optimal degree of business independence with effective governance.

Utilizing agile operating models, digital processes with clearly defined end-to-end responsibility and to your setup optimized sourcing concepts we increase step by step your competitiveness in a sustainable way.


We believe in people in organizations play the most important role in creating success. By helping you creating modern job profiles, career models and leadership approaches we will help you to increase the motivation and loyalty of your employees which is proven to be an important change multiplier.



Designing major organisational changes is a complex process with significant risks. In general structure should follow strategy. That said, you may have experienced that during this process it is often challenging to ignore the people and personalities that one is working with on a daily basis. We have developed a systematic, yet objective, organisational design process that ensures creation of powerful organisations that truly enable strategy execution.

Leadership sets the tone within every company. As such, we see leadership development to not just to be around developing the standard skill base but the highest value add being more to develop abilities such as motivation and expanding the leaders mindsets.

To do so, we employ well recognised leadership assessments, coaching, peer to peer collaboration, off-sites, culture assessments and specialist workshops.

Currently our portfolio includes training for Supply Chain teams, various courses for operations and production professionals as well as for project and program management professionals. As our training portfolio is constantly developing and expanding, contact us with the area your specialists or teams may require training with. If we cant help, we will know some reputable source that can.

We support you on the development of a suitable requirements specification for individual coaching but also group management development. Depending on such requirement(s) we can provide the most appropriate subject matter experts or coaches with appropriately tailored content.

A significant event of yours provides a great chance to memorably educate, encourage, connect and motivate a room full of people. If this is what you are planning, choosing he right keynote speaker at your event is of significant importance.

We provide access to amazing, well known but also not so well known keynote speakers. We also offer advice which specific individuals may be most suitable to speaking at your event depending on factors such as content, style, overall message.

Despite having HR teams supporting the business, many companies fail to find the right sources for some of the key specialists positions their business needs to succeed. Hiring lesser experienced people than required can frustrate the speed a company needs to move forward with to achieve their targets.

Through our network of professionals we have extensive reach to specialist individuals who can work part time, full time in anĀ  interim position or even contribute on a permanent position basis in your organisation.

Our Specialist Skills Sourcing Service is aimed to enable our reach for your benefit.

How can we help you?

Contact us at the HMH Vision office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

HMH Vision really helped us achieve our goals. Their specific expertise and drive not only to understand our challenges but also to help us resolve them was great to see from a consultancy organisation.

Managing Director, Aerospace Company

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