HMH Vision


Our definition of Distribution comprise all activities that move products from suppliers to customers. Fundamental activities related to warehousing, inventory control and transportation are key elements of this.

The importance of these activities cannot be understated, as they represent a significant investment of company resources. Improvements in these areas can significantly enhance the customer experience, drive sales, reduce cost and improve margin.

The reality we have come across in a number of companies is that Sales tend to want significant inventory to guarantee service; finance want inventory minimized to reduce working capital, and operations want sufficient raw material to keep equipment operating efficiently. Optimizing this scenario is as much complex as it is ultimately rewarding for the company and its performance. 

HMH Vision – we offer advice in all aspects of Warehousing Operations, WMS and Design, Supply Chain and Logistics Operations as well as set up and optimization of Distribution Network Strategy.

Distribution & Logistics


Our warehouse specialists undertake projects to assess capacity, provide operational warehouse design (including automation), review and improve existing operations, and advise on the specification and selection warehouse management systems (WMS).


Inventory Control

Our inventory control specialists help you to ensure you have systems and processes so you always know the condition and location of items in stock as well as when they arrive and leave the warehouse.

In addition, we are highly specialized in the area of inventory optimization. Our Inventory Modelling tools allow us to establish correct stock  levels to minimize working capital.


Our transportation specialists help to define your logistics strategy, optimize your transport & delivery arrangements, create sustainable and effective logistics operations and assist with finding outsourcing solutions where appropriate.

Warehousing Services

Operational Review

Assessing your current WH processes, layout, systems, equipment, and resourcing enables us to make recommendations as to how capacity and productivity can be improved via process changes and/or investments. We provide supporting cost / benefit analysis.


We conduct a material flow analysis of your warehouse operations. We then add growth and other anticipated business changes to establish a baseline. This method allows us to estimate the required size of the warehouse, considering each relevant area.

Tech Evaluation & Process Design

Building on from the Operational Review and the Sizing exercise a warehouse technology evaluation allows us to provide you with costed options options around the implementation of specific manual, semi-automated or automated solutions.


Operating an efficient warehouse also depends on the optimum design. The right design will foster improved capacity and productivity leading to a financially optimized operation.


We help you end-to-end in the process of implementing the WMS that is right for your business operations. Key tasks include process mapping, WMS specification creation, WMS selection and implementation support.

Implementation Support

Whether for transition planning to minimize disruption, coordinating with stakeholders, setting up governance or support with tactical tasks. If requested, we provide full-time experienced program management.

Inventory Control Services

Inventory Modelling

We use proven methodologies to optimize inventory against several criteria. Supporting policies can be developed and introduced with cross-functional agreements to best balance and satisfy all of the needs of the business.

Inventory Policy Development

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Inventory Optimisation

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Transportation Services

Logistics Network Planning

Developing a logistics infrastructure that supports your business goals. Including transport, inventory and location strategies.

Transport Planning Optimisation

Establishing the best transport route to market for goods that meet your cost and service aims. Considerations include optimization of routes, providers and systems.

Outsourcing support to 3PLs

Tender support for clients to outsource logistics operations to 3PLs. This includes warehousing, transport and freight requirement.

How can we help you?

Contact us at the HMH Vision office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

HMH Vision really helped us achieve our goals. Their specific expertise and drive not only to understand our challenges but also to help us resolve them was great to see from a consultancy organisation.

Managing Director, Aerospace Company

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