HMH Vision

Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of cleaning, changing, and processing raw data and extracting actionable, relevant information that helps businesses make informed decisions.

Data Analysis is essential as it helps businesses understand their customers better, improves sales, improves customer targeting, reduces costs, and allows for the creation of better problem-solving strategies. 

Data Analytics has now been adopted almost across every industry. Regardless of company size or industry popularity, data analytics plays a huge part in helping businesses understand their customer’s needs and in turn use it to better adjust their products and/or services.

Whilst we find that Data Analytics is mostly developed and used significantly across Healthcare, Travel, Hospitality and even FMCG products, more and more traditional industries, such as aerospace, manufacturing and also the construction industry requests help to better collect and utilize their data, the new gold of the 21 century.

What we do

HMH Vision – we provide a full range of big data services, from consulting and strategy definition to infrastructure maintenance and support, thus enabling our clients to get essential insights from thus far untapped data assets. 

Data Visualization vs Analytics

Data visualization is the graphical representation of information and data in a pictorial or graphical format.

Data analytics is the process of analyzing data sets in order to make decision about the information they have, increasingly with specialized software and system.

HMH Vision provides both kinds of services,

Our Services

Maturity Assessment

Not sure where to start? Our data experts can evaluate your existing strategies around data and analytics against leading practices. As outcome we then provide recommendations targeted around people, process, and technology. If requested, we can further provide implementation support.

Data Quality

If you may not really trust your data, there’s probably a good reason for it. Data accuracy appears to be a common problem after companies implement data analytics, and over time customize their implemented solutions. We help to standardize data to ensure quality and consistency across your organization. Data quality early in the lifecycle is a key part of data operations.

Data Strategy

Most of your data is probably lost in a multitude of databases, spreadsheets and other separate not integrated systems. Most companies don’t have a plan to create data management policies, nor procedures, and processes to ensure it ongoing data ownership, security, and accuracy. A Data strategy is essential so that your data can provide valuable intelligence.

Analytics as a Service

We provide a subscription-based and customizable suite of analytics hosting options and capabilities to help you gain immediate insights into your business data.

How can we help you?

Contact us at the HMH Vision office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

HMH Vision really helped us achieve our goals. Their specific expertise and drive not only to understand our challenges but also to help us resolve them was great to see from a consultancy organisation.

Managing Director, Aerospace Company

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